Volunteer Morocco Mission Statement

Volunteer Morocco improves the self-sustainability of under-privileged communities and their members in Morocco by improving health care access, education, farming technologies, assisting in the formation of micro-enterprises as well as creating an atmosphere for the intercultural exchange of ideas and understanding. Volunteer Morocco carries out its operations by facilitating the exchange of scholars, businessmen, intellectuals,and students between the United States and Morocco.  Volunteer Morocco, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Program Goals

Volunteering in Morocco

  1. Gain experience internationally within a structured program that focuses on improving health care access, educational access, and improving farming techniques for rural Moroccans.

  2. Learn more about health care delivery, in both urban and rural settings, in the context of developing nations.

  3. Cultivate leadership skills and global perspective that prepare participants for future work and meet their diverse learning goals.

Moroccan communities visited by the volunteers

  1. Volunteer Morocco develops and encourages economic self-sustainability in the rural village region of Riad Imsouane, with a particular emphasis on the empowerment of women.

  2. Volunteer Morocco supports Moroccan Associations and Cooperatives that provide education, healthcare, and sustainable farming to the Agadir-Riad Imsouane region.

Volunteer Morocco organized its first college service learning trip to the Riad Imsouane area villages in the spring of 2007.  Raising funds enabled the participants to plant 700 olive trees and bring school supplies for every child in the new school.  Since that 2007 trip, Volunteer Morocco has increased its offerings from that one service learning trip a year to four.  It partners with colleges and universities in the Boston Massachusetts area as well as in Washington State and California.  It has attracted individuals from France, Sweden, Korea, and Canada as well as individuals from other areas of the United States.  Most of our participants are young adults, but we do have older participants also, in fact an 87 year old woman accompany us on a trip.  While our focus remains with health care and health clinics, we have added education, farming, art and research to our service learning offerings.